ITAR Export Service Fee US DOS DSP-5 Fee $250.00
Export Service Fee Flat Rate $250.00 (Fee Only) S&H are extra. Shipments over $100.00 Wholesale value.
Export Service Fee Flat Rate $250.00 (Fee Only) S&H are extra. For shipment over $100.00 in wholesale cost.
This makes up 99% of all our exports. This is the US DOS Fee only and covers up to 5 different items on one DSP-5. You may have as many different items on a DSP-5 as you want, but each additional item past the first 5 (which are included in the $250.00 price) is an added $50.00 per item. So a DSP-5 with 2500 of the same item or 5 different items (regardless of the volume of each item) is $250.00. When you go past the 5 items is when you pay an added $50.00 per item. So a DSP-5 with 6 items (regardless of 1 unit or a million units per item type) the cost is $300.00. (see added value fees on non MFI items below)
Approval is NOT guaranteed as 90% of the approval is based on who is receiving the package. Meaning you...
MFI is a registered US DOS ITAR Exporter. We pay in excess of $4000.00 every year for this permit. The paper work required to successfully get an Approved DSP-5 is extensive and takes a minimum of 8 hours to complete.
This item covers ONLY the US DOS Filing Fee. It does NOT include any of the following which you will also need to pay for and thus include in your calculations of total cost:
All DSP-5s Require a Freight Forwarder to clear USA Customs and this freight forwarder must also be licensed with US DOS. Generally we place you in contact with K&N directly and you hire them at your local office. K&N are worldwide and we have used them for 8+ years WITHOUT any problems. They are also the most cost effective we have found.
75% of all our exports are for product we do NOT manufacture. Regardless of who pays for the product... there is a 20% of Invoice Value Added Surcharge to all non-MFI manufactured items on the first $10,000.00 and 10% after that. DSP-5s in excess of $50,000.00 the price is negotiable. Minimum $200.00 per DSP-5.
MFI manufactured items are EXEMPT from the above fees regardless of where you purchased them. Obviously we are NOT going to double charge a customer for our own items.
The customer is required to provide 5 different PDF documents in order for us to file the DSP-5. Two types of Purchase Orders (letter style and table style), Local & Import Permission Letter and an End User Certificate are required.
This is it in a nut shell... it is far more complicated than this...
- ITAR-250
- ITAR-250
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